
Why Color Variations in Leather Bags Is a Good Thing

21st Mar 2023

Genuine leather purses from Le Donne Leather are made from cowhide that is expertly tanned and processed before it is given to creative craftspeople for handcrafting into specific designs. The hide is prone to color changes and other signs of use that happen over the lifespan of the purse. These variations are also known as leather patina, and they help differentiate genuine full-grain leather from lower-grade leather or faux leather. Understanding these changes can give you a deeper appreciation for bags made from Columbian Vaquetta hides.

The Natural Multicolor Purse

Every hide has its own unique color grades and variations, and that is evident before the leather is tanned and dyed. It is a uniqueness that is created naturally, so there is no easy way to alter what are sometimes highly visible variations on the hide. Attempting to do so would ruin the hide and defeat the purpose of enjoying its natural beauty.

Handling the leather can also cause gradual color changes. This is because we humans have natural oils in our skin that get transferred to the leather surface whenever it is touched. Exposure to sunlight creates color changes as well. Over time, the sun causes conditioned leather to either become lighter or darker or both. Dirt particles that stick to leather can also contribute to its change in color. However, you can keep your leather purse looking good for the long-term by periodically treating it with a non-sticky leather conditioning product.

Why Non-Sticky Leather Conditioners?

Sticky conditioners attract dirt, which is the opposite of what you want. In fact, you never want to clean your leather purse with any type of harsh chemicals. Choose reliable leather cleaning products that are proven safe. If you take steps to properly care for your leather bags and store them away from direct sunlight, their natural color variations can be enjoyed for many years to come.

The Dyed Color Purse

Before a hide can become a stylish purse, it must first be dyed by a professional tannery. There are a variety of dye colors created especially for altering the original leather color and there are numerous factors that determine the final result after the dye is applied and fully dried.

Most leather manufacturers want uniformity of color, and the best tanneries do their best to deliver. But perfection is more of a goal than a reality, and it’s inevitable that hides dyed the same color are going to have color differences among them. So, regardless of the color you choose, you should expect to see some color changes to your bag over time.

Create a Collection of Colorful Purses

Now that you know that all full-grain leather bags go through some level of color change, and that this adds to their beauty and uniqueness, it’s time to start thinking about adding more colors to your purse collection. The more purses you have in different colors, the easier it is to switch out purses to avoid overexposing any one purse to the elements and skin oils.

What Color Purse Goes with Everything?

This is a common question, and the answer is any neutral color. You can choose black or brown/tan colors for the most versatility. A couple of classic examples include:

The brown leather tote bag. You can carry a brown or tan tote just about anywhere.

The black leather backpack purse. A leather backpack in chic black goes nicely with suits, business casual and casual outfits.